Saving and improving the lives of seriously ill pregnant women, babies, and children in low-resource settings since 1995
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Urgent proposal to care for high risk pregnant women, babies and children in Gaza
15th August 2024
Please find here a link to our Press release concerning MCAI's Proposal to help thousands of pregnant women with high-risk medical conditions and their unborn babies, newborn infants and children who could die in Gaza because of a lack of hospital-based emergency obstetric, neonatal and paediatric healthcare.
Please click here for a PDF of our proposal.
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office @FCDOGovUK report that
Women and girls are bearing the brunt of the desperate humanitarian situation in Gaza. The UK is working with @UNFPA to get vital lifesaving resources directly to women and girls in desperate need. However, analysis of an additional tweet/X reports that it does not address high risk and life-threatening pregnancies, concentrates on normal deliveries, but does indicate that 180 babies a day are delivering in Gaza.
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9th April 2024 Summary
The uninhabitable state of Gaza and the urgent need for medical evacuations of the most vulnerable
According to The Economist on 3rd April 2024, "The World Bank has estimated that at least $18.5bn-worth of infrastructure in Gaza has been destroyed in the war with Israel. That is equal to 97% of the combined GDP of the Palestinian territories in 2022. Damage to housing accounted for about three-quarters of the cost. As of January Gaza’s water and sanitation system were delivering less than 5% of pre-war output, said the Bank".
A report by The International Rescue Committee (IRC) on 2nd April 2024 outlines the tragic consequences for pregnant women in Gaza. Pregnant women and mothers in Gaza are fighting to keep themselves and their babies alive amidst healthcare collapse, the IRC warns. Please click here for link:
Please click here and see a report describing the excellent work being undertaken by Project Hope in Gaza: Elissa Nadworthy. NPR March 28th 2024. 'Struggle, struggle, struggle.' What new and expecting mothers are facing in Gaza
Suggested ways forward:
Both Israel and Hamas have a responsibility to protect civilians under their care.
As a direct result of the continuing conflict, the damage to hospitals, to homes, and the killing of health workers, Gaza is now, for its 2 million survivors, uninhabitable, particular for civilians at high medical risk.
Women with high-risk pregnancies, newborn and unborn children, children with severe malnutrition, civilians with life-threatening illnesses, and vulnerable older adults are most in need of medical evacuation to be temporally placed in a safe environment where they can be properly treated, medically managed, and clinically cared for.
For evacuation to occur, an immediate ceasefire is essential, and the hostages held by Hamas must be returned to Israel.
We suggest that UN organisations, especially WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNHCR, should organise and facilitate the medical evacuations noting that mothers must never be separated from their children.
MCAI is willing to help identify in Gaza those pregnant women and children who are at most risk.
Other countries, preferably in the region, must offer places for hospital care and treatment, provide transport, and funding, until Gaza becomes once again a suitable place for Palestinian civilians to live in.
The MCAI Ukraine program
Since February 2022, MCAI has been supporting mothers, babies and their families in Ukraine, following the continued attempts by Russia to destroy their country.
Here is peer-reviewed publication published 1st February 2025 that summarises our latest work in Ukraine. Please click here for the main paper, here for Supplement 1 and here for Supplement 2
Abstract A descriptive analysis of a medical humanitarian aid initiative for quality perinatal management in war-torn Ukraine.
Background Russian’s invasion of Ukraine has seriously disrupted perinatal care. In a humanitarian initiative, emergency obstetric and neonatal equipment and drugs were provided by Maternal and Childhealth Advocacy International and distributed by Ukrainian partners to a selected 61 maternity hospitals throughout Ukraine. The programme included engaging mothers in labour to undertake fetal heart rate monitoring using a battery operated, portable, doppler ultrasound probe. This paper describes some characteristics of participants and analyses differences in fetal distress management and maternal / neonatal outcomes following different approaches to fetal health surveillance.
Methods Data from 28,808 births were collected in specially developed database which contained information on maternal characteristics, course of pregnancy and childbirth, maternal and neonatal outcomes and donated drugs and equipment used. After informed consent, mothers (n = 13735) who agreed to use in labour fetal self-monitoring in addition to standard intrapartum fetal health surveillance, monitored and recorded fetal heart rate changes on a “contraction-by-contraction” basis into a special form. Data on maternal experience with self-monitoring were collected. Cases where fetal heart rate changes were identified (n = 1434) were extracted and analysed for differences in case management and maternal and neonatal outcomes in different approaches: joint monitoring (mother plus staff, n = 901) vs. staff only monitoring (n = 533) and different actors in case of joint monitoring (mothers, n = 512, vs. staff, n = 389).
Results Vacuum assisted delivery was utilised in only < 2% cases. Caesarean section rate was 27%. Mothers reported their experience with self-monitoring as great or good in 79%. Preterm deliveries were less frequent where fetal monitoring was provided by both staff and mothers jointly. In the staff plus mother group, more often lateral tilt, intravenous fluid, spontaneous vaginal and vacuum assisted delivery and less often caesarean sections were undertaken even when fetal distress alone was an indication for operative delivery at term pregnancy.
Conclusion Involvement of women may help to make delivery safer for mothers as complications may be recognized earlier and appropriately treated. Overall, the data shows that despite the full-scale war in Ukraine, it remained possible for high quality perinatal health care to continue.
Abuse of Women and Children in Armed Conflict and Domestically: More Effective Safeguarding Systems Urgently Needed to Prevent these Crimes and Ensure Protection
Please click here to read a PDF of this report from MCAI published (end February 2024) in the Medical Archives of the European Society of Medicine. The Abstract follows below.
Emergency medicine health workers have major roles in managing the clinical effects of armed conflict and domestic abuse on women and children. To safeguard vulnerable people from such criminal abuse, there is an urgent need for international and domestic action.
International and national legal systems need to work more rapidly and efficiently with immediate power to protect against, and prevent, such abuse.
Internationally, the current weakness of the United Nations Security Council to provide civilian protection, such as through UN troops on the ground and no-fly zones over conflict areas, and thereby minimise the effects of armed conflict on civilians, can, and has, largely resulted from self-serving, dangerous vetoes of the 5 permanent members with major conflicts of interest, in part related to their role in the manufacturing and global distribution of weapons.
The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court have little immediate power to protect civilians affected by war crimes, including abuse, which breach the Geneva and other International Conventions. To date, the number of war criminals convicted by the International Criminal Court is incredibly small, and the long delay in the Courts’ decisions mean that the consequences of the war crimes sometimes continue for years.
We describe new systems to better protect women and children from abuse in the home. We propose a new definition that separates ill treatment from criminal abuse that is undertaken for gain by perpetrators (who are often carers or intimate partners with antisocial personality disorders). Ill treatment undertaken within families experiencing adversity such as homelessness, poverty, displacement, and addiction requires compassion and socio-economic support. In contrast the crimes of abuse committed for gain require stronger forensic approaches investigated and addressed by special, inter-agency, forensic taskforce units led by senior experienced detectives in partnership with social, healthcare, and legal professionals.
We also discuss additional issues linked to abuse, such as the links between animal/pet abuse and human abuse, the need for better systems to prevent and protect children living in institutions, better regulation of social media to protect children from scenes of violence and sexual abuse, and gun control needed to protect children, especially in the USA.
MCAI Books

Since April 2020, MCAI has developed four handbooks on hospital care in low resource settings. Handbooks 1 and 2 involve the care of children with serious illnesses and injuries, including adolescent girls who are pregnant. These two handbooks form part of a curriculum for a new task sharing program to train the first ever 6 paediatric clinicians in Liberia in partnership with UNICEF, WHO and The Ministry of Health. They have been edited and authored by experienced volunteer doctors and nurses working in hospitals and emergency care centres in low resource settings and areas of armed conflict and displacement throughout the world.
Handbook 3 addresses advanced hospital care for newborn infants and handbook 4 addresses advanced hospital care for pregnant women and adolescent girls.
In addition to the PDFs available here for download, printed versions of these latest 4 handbooks are being prepared and, subject to funding, will be provided free of charge to nurses, midwives and doctors in as many low resource and emergency settings as soon as possible.
All books are available to download now, including the latest two handbooks on advanced hospital care for children.
Handbook 1: Emergency Illnesses and Major Injuries Affecting Infants and Children; Including Adolescent Girls Who Are Pregnant. August 2021
Download (PDF, 15.0 MB)
Handbook 2: Serious Illnesses in Infants and Children; Including Adolescent Girls Who Are Pregnant. August 2021
Download (PDF, 14.9 MB)
Handbook of Hospital Care for Newborn Infants. May 2022
Download (PDF, 6.9 MB)
Updated chapter on neonatal resuscitation June 2022
Download (PDF 1.1MB)
Handbook of Obstetrics
Download (PDF, 14.8 MB)
Supplement to the Handbook of Obstetrics March 2023
Download (PDF, 0.7MB)
10 year report of
our joint task-sharing program in Liberia
19th March 2024
Latest update on the implementation of the Liberian program on Task-Sharing which began in 2013 in a partnership between MCAI and The Ministry of Health of Liberia, WHO, UNICEF, Irish Aid, UNFPA, DAK Foundation and the University of Edinburgh.
Please click here for our report. This report is in the form of a PDF with interactive links to major contributions within the report.
25th September 2019. Video reporting on a major success by the maternal emergency care team in the management of a near-maternal-death at The Martha Tubman Memorial Government Hospital in Grand Gedeh County in Liberia. Watch the video.
MCAI's 2020 safeguarding policy including UNICEF's Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) programme
Please click here to read this