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Reviews from users of MCAI publications

Dr Brian Magowan, Consultant Obstetrician from Scotland and team leader training candidates in emergency obstetric care


"I am pleased to say that we had a very successful trip to Zambia last week, with over 70 new candidates trained in emergency labour ward skills. We were also able to leave copies of your books with the obstetrics department, paediatric ward, the midwifery training school and the nursing school. This really is an excellent resource and I am most grateful once again for your support"

Mrs Saya, Head of Midwifery Training School, Zambia.

Dr Jo Vallis of Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Friends of Chitambo, which supports health projects at Chitambo Hospital, central Zambia


"I just wanted to say that the 3 giant textbooks which you kindly donated were very well received at Chitambo Hospital, during our visit there in September. These books will save lives in this remote, under-resourced area of central Zambia.


I think that project partners will join me in thanking you very much for this very generous donation.


Thank you again"


Read Dr. Vallis's full review.

Dr Muhammad Amin Consultant Paediatrician and MCAI Logistician distributing books to staff in Rabia Balkhi Maternity Hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan.

Dr Awed Dehyar, Director of Rabia Balkhi Hospital, Kabul Afghanistan


"We are thankful to MCAI for free donation of this precious gift.  These books will be used by the physicians for the better care of the patients coming to Rabia Balkhi Hospital"

Ike Lagunju, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria


"The book is really beautiful, well-packaged and quite informative. I am convinced that it would be an excellent learning resource and an asset to our hospitals involved in the care of children in this part of the world.

I will distribute them to some of the hospitals here who are eligible to have them and I will keep you informed on the recipients.

Once again, I thank you very much for your sterling efforts"

Bwambale Zakayo Syahungene, Coordinator and member of Bau Bandu Rural Development association (BRUDA) in Uganda.


"On behalf of the members of BRUDA, midwives and doctors in Rwenzori region especially those on slopes of Mt, Rwenzori, Rwenzururu kingdome, Kasese District I wish to thank you very much for the text books you have sent and the ones to come, am happy to inform you that we have recieved them from post office in good condition and the health workers are very interested in the books. We gave one to the in charge of Kasese municipal council Health centre for the midwives to read, when he read it he was very inerested in it, he was demanding for more. We have also a friend who is teaching a nursing school he was also asking us to give him some but we said he should wait for others to come.

Thanks once again, may the Lord bless you all who thought about producing this book."

Healthcare workers receving textbooks and pocket books in Mbara from Dr Yarine Tornes, consultant obstetrician from Cuba working in Uganda.

Pictures received from Jo Vallis

Dr. Ayman S Jundi, Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Trustee & General Secretary of Syria Relief


"I am just writing to thank you most sincerely for the handbooks that you have kindly sent us. They arrived at our Manchester office yesterday, and will soon be on their way to front-line healthcare workers in Syria.


I am immensely grateful for your kindness and generosity.  I will work on getting the handbook translated to Arabic, and will, of course, keep you posted with any progress.


Best wishes and kindest regards"

Dr Fredrick Sinyinza, Paediatrician in Rural Namibia


"I am a Zambian trained paediatrician working in Rural Namibia, in the poorest part of the country. Our hospital serves as a referral for the three regions. Currently I am the only specialist in the regions serving a population of almost 500,000 (not accurate) people. All the Doctors in these regions are non-Namibians, and we do not have any updated reference books to use whenever you are encountered with a medical challenging case. Internet is only available to few individuals (for personal use). Donating these useful books to us will actual contribute to the improvement of care and treatment of children and pregnant women. Thanks"

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