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Download our books as PDFs

We understand the internet can be slow, so to help you access life saving information we have listed our PDFs in large and small files. We have also produced HTML files of the textbook in sections that will be easier to download in areas where the internet connection struggles with large files.


Our low bandwidth site also allows you to view and download PDF and HTML files.

You can also access the PDFs by browsing by keyword on our index page.

Note: Adobe Reader 6.0 or later is required for PDF downloads.

Download an updated version here

If you are having problems accessing bookmarks in the pdf, first download a copy of the pdf to your desktop or other site in your device, and then right click to open with Adobe Reader. Bookmarks will then be displayed.

The purpose of adding our books to the website for download, is to make this life-saving, up-to-date information available to all who need it.  We hope that this educational material will assist you to carry out your vital work. 

DOWNLOAD THE BOOKMARKED VERSION OF THE TEXTBOOK. The latest version of the International Maternal and Child Health Care Textbook (Manual) contains bookmarks which can be accessed from the bookmark panel to the left side of the book itself.  Clicking on each bookmark takes the reader to the individual chapter or section of a chapter containing the content described by the bookmark. The bookmark sign is as follows:  


The "Contents" section also links directly to each chapter in the book when you click on each title.    


Right click here to download the whole book marked textbook (25.3 MB)Note that right-clicking of this link gives options which include "Save link as.."


NOTE In the "Complete Books" section below  when you see the phrase "download PDF" if you right click on this link there will be the option ("Save link as..."). to download the book or sections of the book to your PC, Macbook or tablet.

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While we encourage other organisations to use our online resources, in order to prevent out-of-date or altered editions of our publications from being accessed online, we do not allow MCAI publications to be posted on other sites (in PDF or any other form) without our explicit permission. This stipulation is vital to protect the accuracy of the medical content..

It is prohibited to sell or distribute these files in any format for profit.

Please credit MCAI if using these materials in educational settings.

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1 Columba Court, Laide,  Achnasheen.  Highland.  IV22 2NL. Scotland.  UK

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