Pathways of Emergency Care in pregnancy and childbirth, in the newborn and older child
These pathways of care can be copied and used free of charge in poorly resourced countries. They are copyrighted to ALSG and MCAI and must not be altered or sold.
We kindly request that any use of these by well resourced countries is accompanied by a donation to ALSG and MCAI's Strengthening Emergency Care programme (SEC).
Visio-Acute renal failure in a child (PDF, 32KB)
Visio-Acute upper airway obstruction in a child (PDF, 38KB)
Visio-Anaphylaxis in a child (PDF, 30KB)
Visio-Antepartum haemorrhage (PDF, 38KB)
Visio-Basic Life Support in a child (PDF, 33KB)
Visio-Basic Life Support in pregnancy (PDF, 33KB)
Visio-Burns in a child (PDF, 64KB)
Visio-Burns in pregnancy (PDF. 38KB)
Visio-Coma in a child (PDF, 39KB)
Visio-Coma in pregnancy (PDF, 30KB)
Visio-Envenomation (PDF, 37KB)
Visio-Failed intubation (PDF, 29KB)
Visio-Newborn resuscitation (PDF, 32KB)
Visio-Obstructed labour (PDF. 30KB)
Visio-Poisoning in a child (PDF, 34KB)
Visio-Poisoning in pregnancy (PDF, 35KB)
Visio-Postpartum haemorrhage (PDF, 38KB)
Visio-Prolapsed cord (PDF, 29KB)
Visio-Prolonged fitting in a child (PDF, 36KB)
Visio-Prolonged fitting in neonates (PDF, 36KB)
Visio-Severe asthma in a child (PDF, 43KB)
Visio-Severe asthma in pregnancy (PDF, 35KB)
Visio-Severe dehydration in pregnancy (PDF, 38KB)
Visio-Severe DKA in a child (PDF, 41KB)
Visio-Severe DKA in pregnancy (PDF, 45KB)
Visio-Severe hyperkalaemia in a child (PDF, 31KB)
Visio-Severe hypokalaemia in a child (K<2.5mmol/l) (PDF, 33KB)
Visio-Severe hypokalaemia in pregnancy (PDF, 24KB)
Visio-Shock in a child (PDF, 39KB)
Visio-Shock in pregnancy (PDF, 35KB)
Visio-Trauma in a child (PDF, 35KB)
Visio-Trauma in a mother (PDF, 38KB)
Visio-Trauma secondary survey (PDF, 33KB)
Visio-Uterine inversion (PDF, 30KB)
© ALSG & MCAI 2008