Strengthening Emergency Care

Our Strengthening Emergency Care programme (SEC) is a sustainable whole system programme for the emergency care of pregnant women, newborn infants and children in countries where there is extreme poverty.
This means that we try to improve healthcare by looking at every stage of a pregnant woman, new born baby or child's care during a medical emergency.
An integrated programme of emergency
maternal, neonatal and child healthcare -EMNCH.
Read our summary of the SEC programme
With our projects partner ALSG (Advanced Life Support Group), we have expertise in training doctors, nurses and other health workers in countries where there is extreme poverty.
ALSG is a medical education charity that has over 19 years’ experience in the development of training packages and education systems in the UK and in 25 countries around the world.
Concept behind the programme
Whilst acknowledging the importance of maternal and child health care improvements through primary prevention, inevitably emergency situations will arise that may be poorly managed, especially in the early hours of their presentation, leading to avoidable maternal and child deaths.
SEC addresses these issues by:
establishing a sustainable training programme for health care professionals and community workers in emergency care for mothers, neonates and children. This is a clinical training programme as a public health intervention strategy. The training course is called EMNCH – Emergency Maternal, Neonatal and Child Healthcare ensuring the availability of essential drugs, medical and surgical supplies and equipment, renovating existing hospital premises and making the “emergency chain of care” functional by developing communication and transportation for the critically ill or injured.
The training programme is sustainable as local health care workers are trained as Instructors to extend the programme across the country.