Practical Books For Hospitals Worldwide
Pioneering new project
These in-depth practical books have been written and peer reviewed by over 100 experts from around the world, all with experience in hospital settings where there are poor resources. They have freely given their time and expertise. They are provided free of charge to frontline health workers in public hospitals in low income countries. To date (June 2016) 6547 books have been provided free of charge.

Handbook of Hospital Care for Newborn Infants June 2020

Handbook of Hospital Care for Obstetric Emergencies Including Major Trauma
Pocket Book of Hospital Care For Maternal Emergencies
Including Trauma & Neonatal Resuscitation
International Maternal and Child Health Care -
A practical manual for hospitals worldwide
An in-depth practical textbook for health workers in low resource settings.

Pocket Book of Hospital Care For Neonates & Infants
Summary of the emergency components of hospital care for newborn and older infants from our 900 page textbook
The internet is too slow, printing from computers is too expensive, so books remain a valuable resource.
These in-depth practical books are written for health workers treating pregnant women and girls, their newborn infants, and all children (including adolescents) admitted to hospitals in countries all over the world.
They are especially aimed at those working in countries where material and human resources are limited, where borders and infrastructures are insecure, and in rural areas where staff find it particularly difficult to work. Dedicated doctors, nurses and midwives in these settings are already providing life-saving healthcare, but inevitably find their work hard and often over-whelming. Access to up-to-date evidence based guidelines in the settings described here is extremely difficult.

Pictured above is Yamah Miller, midwife at Phebe Hospital, Liberia, being given a book by Augustine Laveleh from ACDI Voca
Following requests from the health workers in low resource settings, the aim of the editors and our authors is to provide these indepth practical books at the lowest possible cost (depending on salary levels) to as many as possible of those health workers on the front-line in the most disadvantaged hospitals in the world which are open to all women and children irrespective of their or family’s ability to pay.
The data in these books are based on the latest evidence and guidelines available, including Cochrane reviews and WHO guidelines. These books build on existing efforts and seek to further identify an internationally applicable minimum standard of healthcare to guide the management of problems inherent in low-resource, disadvantaged hospitals. They suggest global minimum standards, both in the treatments given, but also in the medical ethics which should be practised in caring for these particularly vulnerable patients.
The vision of our authors and editors relates to the provision of books providing useful reference for all health workers in all settings to help them provide the best clinical management for their patients in addition to highlighting basic minimum standard of care in all hospitals.
Pictured here is Mrs Saya, Head of Midwifery Traning School, Zambia.